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Finally! A Complete End To End Strategy For Explorers And Miners Who Want Faster Native Title And Cultural Heritage Approvals Without All The Frustrations!

Even If You Don’t Know Where To Start With Western Australia’s New Cultural Heritage Laws

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Finally…An Easier Way For You To Obtain Faster Native Title And Cultural Heritage Approvals!

Are you frustrated with the time and cost involved in securing your native title and cultural heritage approvals? Uncertain how the new Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act (2021) will effect your Company and its day to day operations?  And looking for ways to manage your heritage risks as your project progresses?

At Mining + Heritage Legal, we specialise in helping explorers and miners, secure native title and heritage approvals in the shortest time possible on commercially workable terms and in line with your corporate objectives.

We have shown dozens of explorers and miners how to seamlessly obtain these approvals without the months (and sometimes years) of hard work and trial and error, delivering certainty and commercial terms you can work with. We’ve achieved impressive results for our clients and we can do the same for you too.

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Simply Follow Our Strategy For Success & You’ll Avoid Exposing Yourself To Project Delays, Unnecessary Costs And Frustrations

Securing native title and cultural heritage approvals can be much easier than you think. Many companies simply don’t know how to navigate the process effectively which means it takes far longer than it should.

The heritage management framework that industry has used for over 50 years in WA will change significantly with the new heritage laws that have come into effect.  Don’t worry though, we’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow our step-by-step strategy and you’ll be exploring or mining in no-time.

You won’t just save time either. When you follow our advice closely, you’ll also achieve much better commercial outcomes, create stronger traditional owner relationships, which acts as a value multiplier over the life of your project.

Here’s A Brief Outline Of What We’ll Cover In Your FREE 30-Minute Consultation …

  • WARNING: Directors, Managers And Employees Are Personally Liable For Causing Harm Under The New Laws
    Are you putting the new cultural heritage regime on the backburner in your business? We’ll outline why you shouldn’t and how best to manage the risks for you and your company
  • Proven Strategies To Secure Faster Land Access Approvals To Meet Your Needs 
    During the 30 minute consultation you can expect us to identify strategies that best suit your circumstances so you can enjoy faster native title and cultural heritage approvals
  • Avoid The Biggest Mistakes Made By Some Explorers And Miners
    Some companies looking to navigate the approvals process make common mistakes – we’ll explain what they are so you can avoid them!
  • Simple Tips To Get Better Commercial Terms And Manage Your Risk
    These strategies can help you obtain better commercial outcomes and build stronger relationships with traditional owners faster which can multiply value for your projects
  • 3 Changes You Need To Implement In Your Native Title and Heritage Strategy
    Find out what they are so you can protect yourself and your Company, meet your ESG obligations and set your projects up for success

Most Explorers And Miners Will Never Obtain Timely Land Access Approvals Without The Right Help

Unfortunately, many explorers and miners never secure their approvals within their desired timeframes or those of their shareholders. It’s not always their fault, they just haven’t taken advice or been given the right advice. It doesn’t have to be this way for you and your Company though.

We can show you exactly how our clients have been able to achieve great results and what we are doing to position them for the changes in WA’s heritage laws. Reserve your strategic review today to see how you can achieve similar results, and obtain faster on better commercial terms.

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Save Yourself Months Of Costly Trial & Error By Using Our Strategies To Secure Faster Land Access Approvals On Commercially Workable Terms

Why waste months struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself? Or having weeks turn into month’s because you think it should be easy to do yourself.

These issues can be hard to navigate and grey areas will arise under the new laws. You can save time and get much better results when you get our expert advice and use our strategies. It’s like a shortcut to better commercial outcomes, greater project certainty and stronger traditional owner relationships. All of which helps you create option value in your project and manage execution risk.

Are you ready to get on the ground exploring and mining in the shortest time possible without the months of hard work? Then claim your free consultation now.

Here’s Another Taste Of what you can expect when you book your FREE consultation…


The Truth About The Native Title And Heritage Industry

We’ll reveal what’s happening behind the scenes and how the new cultural heritage laws are likely to impact land access approval timeframes in the current environment


3 Simple Tips To Help You Secure Land Access Approvals At Lower Cost

We’ve used these tips to accelerate the results for our clients so they can get on the ground exploring and mining faster


Why Doing It Yourself Isn’t Always The Best Choice For You

We’ll outline the new liability regime for Company’s and officers and why getting it right is so important to manage your risks and avoid liabilities


The Key To Securing Faster Land Access Approvals And On Fair Terms

This all-important piece of the puzzle is crucial to your consultation and approvals process and without it you are making things harder


What Not To Do In the Consultation Process

We’ll recommend what not to do when negotiating your access and consents (unless you want to spend more time in the office)

Our Value Guarantee

When you work with us at Mining + Heritage Legal, you can do so with confidence because you’ll always be covered by our value guarantee. In the unlikely event we can’t help you get a clear and actionable plan in our initial engagement, we’ll either refund the price or accept a portion of the price that reflects your level of value received.

Claim Your FREE No-Obligation 30-Minute Consultation

During this no-obligation call, our experts will discuss your specific situation and how we can help you secure your land access approvals in the shortest time possible in light of the new regime.
Here’s what you’ll discover in your FREE consultation…

  • How to obtain land access approvals in the shortest possible timeframe without paying too much and impacting your stakeholder relationships over the longer term
  • The exact process we’ve used to take dozens of clients from being frustrated by the process to having a clear strategy and pathway for their project
  • The biggest problem people come to us with which keeps them locked out of their projects – no matter what else they do!

Our availability is limited so enter your details below now to avoid disappointment and secure your consultation.